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CFMA’s 2025 Annual Conference & Exhibition Call for Proposals

Important Notice: The call for speaker proposals has ended for the 2023 conference.


Please read all the information and resources contained on the page to assist with your submission and to provide you with the best opportunity to be selected to speak at CFMA’s 2025 Annual Conference & Exhibition. A sample of the submission form can be accessed via the following link - Sample CFMA Conference Submission. To view the 2024 Conference Session Titles click here.

Session Proposal
The call for proposals is underway! As you prepare your proposal(s), please take the following into consideration:

  • CFMA Conference attendees favor sessions that include best-practice solutions, case studies, and encourages audience interaction.
  • General Members can partner with Association Members on a specific topic.
  • CFMA's Conference Programming Committee is specifically seeking presenters with speaking experience at either CFMA Annual/Regional Conference or other construction industry conferences.
  • General topics for submissions include:
    • Accounting & Finance
    • Human Resources & Operations
    • Leadership & Management
    • Risk Management & Surety
    • Technology
    • Heavy Highway
    • Specialty Trade
    • Residential
  • No more than four submissions per company will be accepted. Speakers may be selected for no more than two sessions.
  • There is a maximum of up to three speakers per session and four speakers for panels if a moderator is included.
  • The purpose of the conference is to educate participants and a sales pitch does not qualify for CPE credits and will not be selected.


Ensure your submission includes ALL the information requested as the more information you provide, the better the Conference Program Committee can rate your proposal.

To be considered you must complete the submission by using the link above no later than August 23, 2024. All sessions will be determined no later than the week of November 8, 2024.

Note: As a potential conference speaker you should be available to perform your presentation on any day during the CFMA Conference from May 17-21.

"As a speaker who experiences conferences, internationally, from the platform side, I felt working CFMA was a tremendous honor and theirs is a first-class event. I could contribute to this group and also walk away with fantastic relationships and connections”
stephanie angelo

Conference Audience
Total attendance is approximately 1,000 and the average session is approximately 200 (excluding general sessions).

CFMA's General Membership represents all types of contractors, including general contractors, subcontractors, as well as developers, construction managers, architects, engineers, principals, and material and equipment suppliers.

CFMA's Associate Membership is open to all those serving the construction industry, such as public accountants, bankers, sureties, insurance agents and carriers, technology providers, and other service professionals.

The Submission Review Process

CFMA’s Conference Programming Committee reviews each submission in the following areas below. Once the scores are summarized the sessions with the highest scores are discussed and then selected session for the conference.


Review Criteria  Weighted Percentage
Well defined topic with focused learning objectives 20%
Topic appeals to the CFMA membership 20%
Speaker experience   20%
Timelines of the topic 20%
Practical application of the content 20%
Total 100%


The Benefits of Presenting at a CFMA Annual Conference

  • Establish credibility and expertise in your field
  • Expand your knowledge on a specific topic/issue    
  • Earn CPE
  • Build your leadership skills
  • Expand your professional network
  • Learn to persuade, listen, and communicate more effectively


"Being a speaker at CFMA’s National Conference and Exhibition, as a general member, has allowed me to share my knowledge and experience while furthering my network and connections with other attendees, speakers, and exhibitors.. The speaker tool kit and best practices shared by the CFMA staff are top-notch and extremely helpful in improving presentation skills used in our daily business life.”
rich king

2025 CFMA Presenter Compensation

General Members or Non-Member contractors

  • One Complimentary Conference Registration
  • Up to Two Hotel Room Nights
  • Travel Expense Reimbursement of $550

Associate Members or Non-Contractors

  • One Complimentary Conference Registration
  • Up to Two Hotel Room Nights

Session Moderators and/or Panelists

  • A Total Stipend of $3,000 per session will be divided between the Moderators and/or Panelists


Need more info? Contact us at